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Personal Growth Coaching

Through one to one coaching, and interest inventories and assessments when appropriate, I help people of all ages seek meaningful growth and change that puts them on a course to pursue fulfilling, "on-purpose" lives while feeling hopeful, confident, optimistic, and motivated. ​

Happy Traveler

What is your "why," and how can you manifest the life you imagine? I partner with individuals, families, educators, and business professionals to help them sharpen their life's vision and bring it into reality. As your coach, I can help you:


  • understand and articulate why you seek personal or organizational change and what you wish to create/achieve/change,

  • connect with an awareness of your unique strengths, challenges, and limitations, 

  • define your noble goal or purpose, and 

  • generate options and make choices that bring your intentions and your actions into alignment so your personal goals are easier to achieve.


More and more I hear people speak of the desire to find a deeper purpose or meaning in their lives. They are more aware that the world needs them to engage as their best possible self and more discontent when they do not. Adults and children feel this equally. They want to connect with meaningful work and create a positive impact, not just for themselves, but also for the greater good. I am passionate about helping individuals identify and grow into their "Best Self" – what it is that intrinsically motivates them, that inspires others, that gives them hope, and engages them more happily. To do this I employ a framework of Emotional Intelligence.


Emotional Intelligence is the ability to effectively blend thoughts and feelings to be more self and socially aware, to make good decisions and to have healthy relationships. Emotionally intelligent people are aware of themselves and others, connect with purpose and intention, and they act in a way that best serves that purpose. They are successful, healthier, have a high degree of self efficacy and achievement, and have fewer regrets. In essence, they stay connected with their "best self!"


I am certified to administer and debrief several emotional intelligence assessments for individuals (youth and adults) and businesses through Six Seconds-The Emotional Intelligence Network  (This assessment is a great starting point to your journey of self discovery and desired change.)

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